
We are lucky enough to collaborate with some brands and businesses that we love. These products we use for travel make our lives easier, or more entertaining and we aim to connect other like minded families with the products that make our lives easier and better.

Some of these products have discount codes or affiliation codes that give us a referral fee and you a discount. Keep an eye out. Every little bit helps us on the road and we appreciate you purchasing products through us.

Products we use for everyday cleaning and home essentials.

We purchase these type of products from Young Living. Everything from all purpose cleaner, the oils for our diffuser, to tasty treats for the kids.

Young Living is a network marketing company. You don’t need to sign up to purchase products, these can be purchased individually. If you end up buying these products and loving them, it may be worth a conversation about becoming a member to get further savings.

Here are the codes to use to when become a member and save 24%!


Want to shop individual products? Use the link below.

Survival First Aid Kit

Every family, whether traveling or not, needs a quality first aid kit. We use the Survival first aid kit and the snake bit kit and were blown away by the products and features in both kits.

Use the code “CORALANDCO” to get a discount on your first aid kits and save 10%!

Nakie Hammocks

Thinking of relaxing? Ella swear by the Nakie Hammock. Nakie have a heap of products that we are looking to get too. Made from 100% recycled matterals and durable enough for our rough and tumble family, we recommend getting one of these.


We wouldn’t be able to work on the road with high quality, unlimited internet. When exploring our options and needs, Starlink was the only option as other mobile providers would have cost a lot more for a lot worse service.

Starlink has a free month on offer if you purchase through us. You can do this by clicking the button and scanning the QR code. This gives you a free month, and us a free month.